Free Stylist Resources

100 FREE Engagement Posts

Disclaimer: I have affiliate agreements with Post My Party, CinchShare and Canva and if you choose to sign up for a paid account with any of these services I will receive a commission from them – however you can access all of my resources for free 🙂

Are you looking for some great ways to build engagement within your VIP groups? I’ve spent way too much time on Facebook and I’ve watched what kinds of posts are fun to engage with. But I didn’t want to re-post images with typos, or pixelation, or that didn’t fit the vibe of my business. So I collected 100 posts that I thought sparked some great conversations. I went through and re-worked those posts into clean, beautiful, consistent graphics.

I’m sharing these with you for FREE! You are welcome to share in your VIP groups, public business pages, or even on your own profile page! These aren’t educational posts about Ruby Ribbon. Just fun, light questions and quotes to draw people out who might not engage with your business related posts. If you can get them engaged on fun posts then they will see more of your business posts. It’s a great way to generate new leads from the ladies that are already in your audience!

How to Use These Posts

I have loaded these all into both CinchShare and PostMyParty. From either of those platforms you’ll just need to click the link and then schedule the posts. From PostMyParty you will need to copy the posts from the template into your library before scheduling it.

You have enough things taking up your time so I wanted this to be as simple as possible for you. (But manually calculating your customers’ sizes isn’t one of those things taking up your time… right? Check out my automatic sizing & recommendations tool and let me give you more time back!)

I’ve even written in captions for each individual post. You could literally just take the posts that I have, schedule them and walk away. I’m not worried about you stealing my work, it’s there for you to use however you want.


I highly recommend personalizing these posts to you so you get the maximum benefit. If you still want to keep it simple you can just change out the captions. Most of them would be so easy – answer the question in the post and make that your caption. Re-order them, make sure that posts talking about weekend plans get posted on a Friday not a Monday, etc.

If you want to take it a step further I’m also providing the Canva templates for free. The more you can change the graphics to be your own the better results you’ll get from the Facebook algorithm. You’re welcome to go in and change up my graphics however you would like – new pictures, re-watermark them, new fonts! So long as you don’t re-share the templates to other stylists without crediting this blog post you are free to remix and share it as your own to your customers!

Resource Links

Here are the links to these resources:

Or if you just want to download the images and use them without using Canva or other software

I hope these resources help you increase engagement and start some fun conversations with your customers. Go out and rock your business!

CinchShare vs Post My Party

Slightly unrelated, but if you’re debating between CinchShare and Post My Party I recommend CinchShare. Post My Party is great if the only thing you want to do is actually post parties. I do like their party templating system a little better for actually posting parties. Their system is great for easily replacing Hostess name and event specific links in a party. I also like their template timing system better. But from a content creation and scheduling general content – CinchShare is SO much better. They make it much easier to bulk import images and manage posts. I might these tools a little differently than most of you. But after fighting with Post My Party for the last couple hours to do things that were pretty easy in CinchShare… that’s my 2 cents for what it’s worth!

About Author

Welcome! I'm excited to help you find something that you will love. Please feel free to contact me if you have *any* questions - I am here to help!

(1) Comment

  1. Thank you! These are terrific.

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